Representative Director FutureEdu Los Angeles, CA, United States
Abstract Description : "Enabling Whole Child Education by Unlocking Students’ Interests and Passion" is a dynamic panel discussion that brings together thought leaders and educators to explore how a digital learning environment can unlock students’ interests and passion and help students prepare for post-secondary education and life. Attendees will gain research insights on how digital technologies can enhance students’ outcomes and well-being, including self-efficacy and post-secondary career and life planning. Pedagogy and practical tips on achieving an authentic learning environment where students can be vulnerable in critical conversations will also be shared.
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: Digital Learning, Career Education, Well-being, Passion Project, DEI
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will gain practical tips on supporting diverse learners in discovering their career and academic interests using technologies.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to understand the challenges and opportunities in incorporating digital technology tools to support a diverse student body.