Best Practices (Teaching and Leadership)
Anne B. Burridge, MA in English/VA License (she/her/hers)
English Instructor
Laurel Springs School
Emerald Isle, NC, United States
This session introduces a hybrid, synergistic approach to the virtual learning environment, fostering authentic and collective learning experiences that inspire and engage our AP English students by integrating synchronous AP English workshops within the broader framework of an asynchronous online AP curriculum. In this session, this long-time AP English instructor and AP Reader for the College Board will share her experiences and insights on how to implement this hybrid approach in the virtual setting. Anne will then facilitate a wide-ranging discussion, inviting attendees to share the opportunities, best practices, and challenges in delivering the online AP English curriculum.
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: AP, curriculum, best practices, hybrid modelLearning Objectives: