Teaching Strategies
Jesse Meeks, B.S., D.C
Assistant Director of Online Learning / Secondary Principal
John Adams Academy
American Fork, UT, United States
In the 21st century many families and students are opting in for online learning. It is effective, exciting, and engaging when done correctly; it works! There are clear, researched, strategies that fix low test scores and engage bored students. Walk away from this session with confidence and never again feel like you are a boring teacher!! You will leave with a list of pedagogical techniques that are so simple they are routinely forgotten but are essential and proven, visuals of what a well-designed lesson looks like in Canvas (LMS) so you don’t have to experiment for years figuring it out what works, watch brief video clips of classes that will motivate you, and enjoy a Q&A with an experienced online administrator and teacher.
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: Engaging, Students, Techniques, Pedagogy, EffectiveLearning Objectives: