Executive Director EdTech Leaders Alliance North Richland Hills, TX, United States
Abstract Description : Cybersecurity is a top concern for technology leaders, yet many education leaders underestimate their vulnerability to cyber attacks (CoSN, 2024). Online schools face heightened risks due to their operational nature. This session will explore cybersecurity data, identify risks, and outline mitigation strategies specifically for online educators. Designed for all attendees, it emphasizes the collaborative nature of effective cybersecurity. Join us to learn about cybersecurity in accessible terms and enhance your school's defenses against cyber threats.
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: cybersecurity, online, NIST,
Learning Objectives:
recognize the main cybersecurity threats specific to online education environments, including phishing, data breaches, and ransomware.
gain an understanding of the NIST cybersecurity functional domains and learn how to implement its principles to enhance cybersecurity oversight in educational settings.