SEL and Wraparound Services
Melinda D. Owens
Director/School Counselor
BAVEL (Barren Academy of Virtual & Expanded Learning)
GLASGOW, Kentucky, United States
Pam Carter
School Counselor
BAVEL (Barren Academy of Virtual & Expanded Learning)
Glasgow, Kentucky, United States
During this session, we will examine the essential role of school counselors in developing strong, supportive relationships with students. Strategies for effective communication, how to build trust, and the importance of creating a safe environment where students feel listened to and appreciated will be shared with attendees. The session will also emphasize how these relationships can positively affect students' academic performance, emotional health, and personal development.
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: Relationships, SEL, Effective Communication, Trust