Secondary ELA-S/ELD Teacher Denver Public Schools Golden, CO, United States
Abstract Description : Post-COVID schools have brought a more diverse student population to the Online Environment. What can be done to best support our newest Multilingual Learners as they pursue their schooling Online? At Denver Online (Denver Public Schools' 6-12 Online School), we are working to create a more inclusive onboarding process for Newcomers and their families. This session will cover our registration process, Welcome Kits for new families, testing and placement information, and the systems and structures we use to support our newest and often most impacted families.
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: Multilingual Learners (MLLs), English as a Second Language (ESL), English Language Development (ELD), Newcomers, and English Language Learners (ELLs).
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will develop a deeper understanding of how to create a welcoming environment for Newcomer students and their families.
At the end of this session, participants will develop a deeper understanding of how to create targeted support for onboarding Newcomer students and their families.
At the end of this session, participants will develop a deeper understanding of how to create systems and structures for onboarding Newcomer students and their families.