Head of Academic & Student Affairs Dwight Global Online School New York, New York, United States
Abstract Description : This presentation explores the transformative role and potential of Virtual Reality (VR) in K12 science education, focusing on a tiered implementation strategy at a fully online school. By detailing the deployment of VR in science labs, we highlight how immersive experiences enhance student engagement and comprehension in complex subjects, and how the use of VR has expanded beyond fostering lab skills. The session will cover the stages of VR integration, from initial pilot programs to wider-scale adoption, and the support systems established to ensure success. Attendees will gain insights into best practices, challenges faced, and solutions devised to create a dynamic, interactive learning environment that prepares students for the future.
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: Virtual Reality, Implementation, Systems, Science Labs, Immersive learning
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participant will be able to analyze how Virtual Reality enhances engagement and comprehension in abstract science concepts, fostering essential lab skills and student agency in learning.
Upon completion, participant will be able to be equipped with guidance to implement a tiered VR integration strategy in their own K-12 educational settings, enhancing the delivery of science curriculum through immersive technology.
Upon completion, participant will be able to identify and establish essential school-wide support systems and resources necessary for successful VR adoption and sustainability in a fully online school environment.