Content Specialist ExploreLearning Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
Abstract Description : Did you know that fraction knowledge in grade 5 uniquely predicts students’ mathematics achievement in high school, yet fractions continue to be a weak point in education for decades? Learn how to reimagine how we teach fractions by closely examining how students think and process information. Then, review resources that use research-backed strategies so that we can fill in fraction foundation gaps. Students should be able to succeed given the right tools and supported instruction!
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: Fractions Math Special needs Blended learning Online learning
Learning Objectives:
Participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of 1) why fractions are important.
Participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of 2) why fractions are difficult to learn.
Participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of 3) how resources and digital tools can support a new way of learning fractions with research-backed methods.