Special Populations Associate Director Wisconsin Virtual School Tomahawk, WI, United States
Abstract Description : There are benefits for ALL students when we proactively design learning environments and resources that are accessible. With simple but effective best practices, we can begin to remove barriers to learning with digital content. These improvements will benefit all learners, including students with disabilities, language needs, and varying learning styles. Designing accessible resources requires time, resources, and knowledge to implement, which is why we are offering a multi-level approach starting with Level 1 (Low Effort, High Impact) and Level 2 (more advanced strategies) that can help any educator or team ready to up their accessibility game. Participants will apply the tips learned, reflect, and leave with resources in their toolbelts.
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: accessibility, accessible content, instructional design
Learning Objectives:
Identify accessible design practices that benefit all learners.
Apply accessible design strategies to a provided content example.
Engage in guided reflection on more advanced accessible design tips they can use with their learners and curriculum.