SEL and Wraparound Services
Trinity Wilbourn, M.Ed (she/her/hers)
Principal Curriculum Consultant and Facilitator
The Namaste Project
Fort Collins, CO, United States
Danielle Brunson, Ed.S, MAED
The Namaste Project
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
This session will provide school and district leaders with actionable insights to lead your educational community with greater awareness, resilience, and effectiveness in the face of technological and societal changes. Learn how to leverage Social Emotional Intelligence (SEI) as a powerful counterbalance to the growing influence of AI in education.
Participants will engage with practical tools that can be immediately implemented across their educational systems including evidence-based SEI strategies to enhance decision-making, staff support, and institutional resilience.
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: Social-Emotional Learning, resilience, AI, SEI strategies, staff support