Head of School Optima Academy Online Naples, FL, United States
Welcome to virtual reality (VR) school, where atoms grow larger than life and students learn to fly as a rite of passage. This workshop explores navigating VR school using lessons from Optima Academy Online, the first K-10 VR school. Emphasis is on curriculum changes and new approaches to classroom management. Effective VR use requires shifts in curriculum, affecting content and execution. Time feels different in the metaverse, and traditional activities fall short. A successful curriculum incorporates spatial understanding that opens new avenues for individualized instruction and retention. Additionally, a teacher’s voice and physical proximity cues are absent in VR, requiring new teaching skills to manage behaviors in this environment.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to evaluate their current lesson plans and adapt at least two traditional activities to be more effective in a virtual reality environment, focusing on interaction and collaboration.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to identify and explain at least three VR-specific tools or features to monitor and interact with students effectively, ensuring a controlled and productive learning environment.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to explain four situations when and why to use VR as the instructional tool.