Ben Scafidi
Kennesaw State University
Kennesaw, GA, United States
Ian Kingsbury
Senior Fellow
Educational Freedom Institute
Marble Head, Massachusetts, United States
Empirical studies suggest students in virtual charter schools have smaller learning gains relative to “similar” students in other public schools. However, newer research shows (1) virtual students face more difficult circumstances than students in brick and mortar schools; (2) low income students in virtual schools are often coded as higher income, and (3) virtual students take tests with unfamiliar adults and in settings often far from home (Kingsbury, 2023). Together, these flaws in administrative data and testing environments produce estimates of the performance of virtual schools that are biased downwards, with negative policy implications.
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If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: measuring online school performance