Principal Pikes Peak Early College Colorado Springs, CO, United States
If you selected Cutting-Edge, what innovative ideas, approaches, or methodologies will your session introduce or explore?: We will be discussing how to integrate an Early College model with blended learning.
Abstract Description : If you are interested in the Early College model or concurrent enrollment and how it fits in the blended education world, come to this table talk with an early college from Colorado that has been integrating the models for the past 8 years. At this session, attendees will learn the setup of the early college model within blended learning and how this structure helps to prepare students for the post secondary world of work or school. Whether you are just starting out and just looking for ideas or if you are looking to integrate a college model within your well established blended program, come talk to the representatives from Pikes Peak Early College at this table talk.
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: Concurrent enrollment, early college, early college and blended learning.
Learning Objectives:
Determine how concurrent enrollment or the Early College model could function within their blended learning structure.
Develop relationships with other early college/concurrent enrollment educational practitioners from around the country.
Collaborate with school leadership of an Early College to help start brainstorming a model of your own.