Advisor & Professional Educational Therapist, Founder of Potentia Academics Baker Early College & Potentia Academics Bend, OR, United States
Task initiation is \one of the most essential executive functions for today’s online learner as it requires them to begin a task that is likely less immediately enjoyable than other competing options. This is typically one of the main reasons, or contributing factors, to a lack of persistence and success with online learners. This Table Talk will provide some basic understanding of this skill, a framework for discussion, and then collaboratively workshop various mechanics and methods for us to educate and guide our students for greater task initiation and executive function success.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session participants will be able to understand what task initiation is from an executive function standpoint.
At the end of this session participants will be able to collaborate with online students to create individualized task initiation plans to decrease proctrastination and increase production.