Assistant Director Montana Digital Academy Missoula, MT, United States
Montana Digital Academy (MTDA) is Montana's state virtual school. For 15 years, MTDA has provided distance learning opportunities to students across the state. In that time MTDA has created a comprehensive communication plan that targets all stakeholders (students, parents, administrators, schools, government officials, etc). Join Mike Agostinelli, MTDA Assistant Director as he covers MTDA communication strategy from social media to procedural communications. This winning strategy has helped propel MTDA growth year over year. This session will focus on practical steps any school or organization can implement to increase your presence among your stakeholders. Examples and resources will be shared throughout the presentation.
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: Create a comprehensive school communication plan
Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to identify key components of MTDA's comprehensive communication plan that targets various stakeholders, including students, parents, administrators, schools, and government officials.
Participants will learn practical strategies for implementing an effective communication plan to increase their organization's presence among stakeholders, drawing from MTDA's successful model.