Consultant Teall Educational Consulting Harrison, MI, United States
If you selected Cutting-Edge, what innovative ideas, approaches, or methodologies will your session introduce or explore?: As administrator of LINK Learning, Kristi helped design an innovative and comprehensive process for aggregating student data from multiple sources including two-way communications, and an accompanying rubric for analyzing the quality of teacher-student engagement.
Abstract Description : In this session, participants will learn about a comprehensive student data management process designed to provide a holistic and time-saving methodology for collecting, managing, and analyzing student data in virtual learning environments. From tracking academic progress in real time to quickly identifying students who are at-risk of failing, this process enables educators to make informed decisions and provide targeted interventions. Discover how integrating various data points such as time-on-task, attendance, engagement, and assessment performance into a central, technology-based workflow enhances the ability to support students effectively.
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: data efficiency engagement reporting monitoring
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will gain a complete understanding of all the student data that is available to them in their technology tools and how to harness that data into holistic views of each student's progress and their school's overall level of success.
At the end of this session, participants who are currently spending hours each week aggregating and compiling their student data into spreadsheets, or years developing their own software to do so, will learn how to save all that time and manage their data and communications more efficiently.