Teacher Denver Online (Denver Public Schools) Aurora, Colorado, United States
If you selected Cutting-Edge, what innovative ideas, approaches, or methodologies will your session introduce or explore?:
Abstract Description : The question I get ALL the time is "You teach music.... online?" Yes! And there are so many great, engaging, and meaningful possibilities in the digital music classroom. Music education should be personal, current, and transformative - all fully possible in the digital environment. I teach 6th and 8th grade exploratory music classes that explore the 4 domains of language (but music), HS audio production classes, and hybrid Modern Band class and Music Independent study. By sharing my tips tricks, resources, and a few great stories, I hope to inspire and enrich your plans for digital music education.
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: music classes online schools
Learning Objectives:
Think outside the box when imagining vibrant digital music education programs.
Conceptualize 3 formats of music class that work really well in a digital environment.