Principal Shelby Academy Shelbyville, KY, United States
Abstract Description : The Shelby Academy was conceived at DLAC 2023, and today we are a unique marriage of a personalized online learning program, an operationalized GED opportunity, and an alternative school, all using a hybrid learning format but - more importantly - all built on wrapping around a student's educational and social-emotional needs when the traditional learning environment does not seem to fit. In our mission to help students 'Find Their Path', we serve a extremely wide spectrum of kids which requires a unique structure, the right technology, and a human touch that sometimes gets forgotten in online learning. We have not arrived, but we know our mission is the right one. Welcome to The Shelby Academy!
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: Personalized Online Learning, Alternative School
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the session, participants will be better able to rethink the structures they are utilizing in their online learning environment.
At the end of the session, participants will be able to find greater value in creating an online environment that entirely wraps around a students academic and social-emotional needs.
At the end of this session, participants will be inspired to re-establish their why in education.