Director of Assessments and Accountability Pearson Virtual Schools Batavia, IL, United States
Abstract Description : What does it mean to effectively provide data to drive continuous improvement of the academic outcomes at a network of fully online schools located across approximately 30 states? That was the question I needed to answer when I was placed into a new department at Pearson Virtual Schools in early 2024. How do I shift from being a provider of data and analysis on how schools performed on the indicators included in state report cards, to providing the data and insights to those directly supporting these schools in improving their academic outcomes? In this fast paced presentation, I will share what I have learned over the past year and what steps you can take to support the academic improvement of the schools you support.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will have a clear understanding of how academic outcomes are measured from the perspective of state report cards.
At the end of this session, participants will know the types of questions to ask to identify what data is most useful for driving improvement in academic outcomes.