Blended and Personalized Learning Coach DSD Professional Development Kingston, Tennessee, United States
If you selected Cutting-Edge, what innovative ideas, approaches, or methodologies will your session introduce or explore?: We will be exploring how to utilize artificial intelligence to design data-driven learning environments.
Abstract Description : Learn how to leverage artificial intelligence to create customized instruction activities for students of all levels. By using free or freemium websites, educators can easily adapt learning goals to support all learners. Attendees will receive resources and a detailed planning guide for implementing customized instruction.
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: Artificial Intelligence AI Differentiated Instruction
Learning Objectives:
Participants will explore how to use artificial intelligence to create customized instruction for any grade level, in online, onsite, and hybrid environments.
Participants will design sample data-driven lessons by using artificial intelligence tools.