Abstract Description : Topic 1st choice: SEL and Wraparound Services 2nd choice: Accessibility Alternative Session Type Explore and Engage (45 minutes/2 segments) Workshops (75 minutes/3 segments) Grade Level Focus Elementary Middle Schools High Schools Adult Learners Audience Expertise All Levels If you selected Cutting-Edge, what innovative ideas, approaches, or methodologies will your session introduce or explore? This session will address the mental health challenges faced by digital learners and their families and explore strategies to effectively meet these needs. Explore interdisciplinary approaches, such as integrating mental health support within the digital learning experience, providing accessible resources and tools, and promoting self-care practices for both students and their families. Participants will leave with practical insights and actionable recommendations to better support the well-being of digital learners, ensuring their educational journey is accompanied by optimal mental health support.
Learning Objectives:
'At the end of this session, participants will be able to articulate research findings regarding the unique mental health challenges for digital learners and thier families.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to integrate mental health support within the digital learning experience, including accessible tools and resources tailored for digital learners and their families.