Best Practices (Teaching and Leadership)
Jen Buttars, Doctoral Candidate (she/her/hers)
Wasatch Learning Academy
Smithfield, UT, United States
Chronic absenteeism, missing more than 10% of a student’s days enrolled, is the latest buzzword to hit education, with entire issues of Educational Leadership (ASCD, 2024) in my physical mailbox, near-daily webinar invitations and education articles in my email inbox, and even targeted ads for educational software company Panorama interrupting my social media scrolling. This presentation will provide an overview of the tiered interventions our public, K-8 online school have implemented to try to combat chronic absenteeism/disengagement. Session attendees will leave feeling empowered to act across all three tiers to create individual plans to develop student capacity for attendance and engagement.
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: attendance
SpEdLearning Objectives: