Vice President Product Management Pearson Ashburn, Virginia, United States
Moss Adam's (previously Yurgosky) partnership with Pearson resulted in a transformational admissions and onboarding process that was personalized across schools, languages, grades and applicants, while being compliant with local regulations. Ultimately, bringing all schools onto a single platform to streamline apps, business processes and improve compliance & reporting. Student success begins at onboarding. Creating an engaging customer experience, aligning the correct resources, securely managing data are all critical to success at any school. Yurgosky and PVS collaborated to implement a new admissions system built on Salesforce that has achieved considerable results.
Presented in a story format, this is the story of our journey to achieving efficient and effective student success by enabling school staff through a technology transformation. The presentation will provide the attendee with an immediate understanding of best-practices, potential pitfalls, goal-setting criteria, technology stacks and other critical elements that contribute to a successful launch of any new system.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to understand the interplay between technology, data and people to achieve student success.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to identify best-practices for large-scale technology implementations using a multi-pronged approach.