Principal Denver Online - Denver Public Schools Denver, Colorado, United States
Abstract Description : Schools who are powered by a digital backbone can feel sterile, uninspired and disconnected. The focus of this chat is to explore strategies by which schools encourage human connection, authentic conversation and student voice in the digital spaces of their online/blended environments. How does your school deliberately ensure that students feel like there are human beings deeply invested and connected to their educational experience, especially when they are working in those digital spaces? This is an opportunity for participants to discuss digital authenticity, personality and making connections with students despite the tech-driven environment in which we work.
If someone was doing a search for your session in the program what 5 words might they use to search for and find your session.: Digital humanity authentic connection relationships
Learning Objectives:
Participants will discuss strategies that they use to ensure students and staff are making authentic connections in the digital environment.
Collaborate with other educators around ideas to ensure staff members are equipped to build strong and sustainable relationships with, between and among students.
Investigate ways in which digitally-based schools can create authentic human experiences both in and outside the digital classrooms to ensure students know that they are part of a personalized learning community that truly sees them.