Digital Learning Specialist Bloomington Public Schools Bloomington, MN, United States
Join us to explore strategies for building a strong school community through innovative communication. Discover how school news programs foster belonging and keep students, staff, and families connected. We'll also discuss family tech tip videos as tools to bridge home and school, enhance digital literacy, and empower families to support student success. Gain practical approaches and creative solutions to strengthen your school community and improve engagement.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the Role of Communication Tools in Community Building: Participants will learn how school news programs foster a connected and informed community by engaging students, staff, and families.
Explore Effective Family Engagement Techniques: Attendees will discover how to use family tech tip videos to increase digital literacy and empower families to support their children’s learning actively.
Build Confidence in Video Production: Participants will gain confidence in scripting, video recording, and editing by exploring practical tips and tricks that simplify the process, empowering them to create engaging content without fear.